Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Redefining goals

As im sitting here waiting for my car to finish,  i sat here wondering. Recently i have been consuming myself with reading books( e books to be precised). 
I recently read a book about achieving your life dream,  achieving something which Is beyond your wildest dream.  Personal legends as they call it.

Me,  a normal working adult with a steady job, wondered if i have stop pursuing my dreams.

One of the books i read did helped me clarify a thought i have,  i used to think that i wanted to blog and earned money.  And i used to think that earnestly.

But now after realizing since stuff,  i now redefined why i wanted to write. I wanted to reach an audience.  I want to feel that ij somewhat someway my content i wrote is helping them.

The feeling that my content has and can helped someone lightens my heart more than earning a buck everytime someone visits my writings.