Tuesday 16 April 2019

Redefining goals

As im sitting here waiting for my car to finish,  i sat here wondering. Recently i have been consuming myself with reading books( e books to be precised). 
I recently read a book about achieving your life dream,  achieving something which Is beyond your wildest dream.  Personal legends as they call it.

Me,  a normal working adult with a steady job, wondered if i have stop pursuing my dreams.

One of the books i read did helped me clarify a thought i have,  i used to think that i wanted to blog and earned money.  And i used to think that earnestly.

But now after realizing since stuff,  i now redefined why i wanted to write. I wanted to reach an audience.  I want to feel that ij somewhat someway my content i wrote is helping them.

The feeling that my content has and can helped someone lightens my heart more than earning a buck everytime someone visits my writings.

Friday 27 October 2017

To blog? Or to write

Selecting content or niche

In order to successfully to write/produce content with good traffic/readers,
You need to select ONE click. Try not to write more than one theme as the blog may lose focused, readers are confused  as what the blog is all about.

My dream is at least to try and get paid through blogging. I want to see whether it is plausible, achievable. At least thats the dream for now.

Things need to do/have to be a good blogger.
1. Select a topic preferably a topic you are fond of
2. If you are not an advanced writer then, start small, write simple topic, just make it presentable,

Any other things i should know about? Please educate me. Drop me a comment

Thursday 26 October 2017

Its not yet 12,

So i havent been writing as much as i should be, but anyway here it goes to whomever stumbled on this blog(whoever is reading this) I'd like to say, life aint fair and never will be.
Sounds kinda sad aint it(even kinda cliche). So therefore you gotta make the best of out of life id say, some few mottos that i have really lived by:

1. Play the cards you have been dealt with. Each of us on earth have been given a unique sets of strength and weaknesses, rather than complaining about your shortcomings, id say, make the best out of your strength! Use it to your advantage

2. Bloom where you are planted( though doesn't hurt to envision going off to a better place.
      i wish i was living abroad, studying abroad working here and there... Rather than being envious of others and feeling down about your life, id say, make the best of where you currently are, don't focus on other people's lives ( this is especially hard today with the advent  of facebook, instagram and so on). Chances are those people might be envious towards you!. I guess humans are built this way. Urgh( we should cultivate being grateful everyday) in this crazy world.

3. I am neither early or late. I am exactly where i am supposed to be.(every choice you have made whether insignificant as doing your homework before playing games have lead you up to this very moment.
- take chances
-take risk.

4. Learning skills outside the classroom
In short life skills. Learn a language to communicate rather than to ace that language paper.
Learn financial knowledge.- don't take light. The earlier you start. The faster you might win against the rat race.

Anyway this is just of my rambles for tonight. No proofing done prior.

Thursday 21 January 2016

Its a New year and pull ups

Its 2016, and my body weight skyrocket due to all the drinking and eating and the celebrations but its time to pay it all back.

Met a a good friend of mine encouraged me to to include pull ups in one of my workouts.
So I went on and tried.
It was horrible
it was so tough and it felt impossible to lift yourself.

But this seemed interesting, my friend said he dropped from 86kg to 73 kg through consistent dieting and in cooperating pull ups and some TABATA based workouts as well.

So for today I was not doing pull ups, rather the workout was to pull yourself towards the bar and hold for at least 3-5 seconds and resting for one minute doing 3 reps for each set which consist of 3 sets.
even pulling myself and holding myself was an arduous task. but this was an important step to build strength to do pull ups.

Lets see how this goes, I always liked trying new workouts and this is the first time I am attempting to do pull ups based workouts.

Here are some great links I found for beginners to begin doing pull ups :

Pull ups for beginners 

Pull ups for total beginners

Saturday 9 August 2014

Food for thought

Please take care of yourself. If something terrible happens to you, you cant be down in the dumps forever. You must take care of yourself. Surround yourself with trusted friends who can take care of you. I can't be there for you 24/7 but i will try to be there as long as you need me. Demand a better you. Seek it, pursue greatness and progress in your life. Because that is the only thing that can save you from your misery, get back on your feet. Find your passion, let it drive you.

PS: Would you read a book called "The seasons of endings and new beginnings" ?

Sunday 8 June 2014

personal ramblings

Personal ramblings.
Hello there, I haven’t been writing in a while,
Humans are alive and very dynamic. We need to constantly be doing something- there is really no such thing as doing “nothing”, only non productive activity. Personally if I have too much of those days without productive activities, something builds up inside of me. I’ve been having these “attacks” on certain semester breaks and mid term breaks. If I’m not mistaken, this attack began when I was 16, it was school break, I didn’t realize it back then.
The “thing” that builds up inside of me that I’m talking about- the closest feeling that I can relate to is the feeling of anxiety. Anxiety is baad. It builds up negativity. A feeling of hopelessness. All your past negative experiences starts knocking on your door and then I overthink things and it slowly consumes me.
The only way to avoid this is to fill my day with meaningful and productive activities which benefits me emotionally, socially or even spiritually.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

fitness advice from fitness amateur.

Today's entry:
The fitness program I am currently following now is called " Insanity program by famous fitness instructor Shawn T. I'm sure you readers have heard it before( especially if your into the fitness thing). I recently learn that this program has been going on since 2009 and I only started using it only since last year. I personally favor this program because of its pretty straightfowardness (is that even a word?). Work hard and you're going to see results. That's what it says anyway.

This program offers me the solution for me to achieve one of my new year's resolution which is to transform my body into the best shape possible. I am not going to be one of those people who you see only going to the gym at the beginning of the year and soon enough they quit because its too tiring. Besides reaping the benefits of getting into the best shape,  I wanted to do something which would challenge me physically ands mentally. That I way, I might be able to get some progress in my life. Tony Robbins once said( I heard it first from him anyway) "change is automatic, progress is not".

Change is going to happen whether you like it or not. The world is going to change. your environment is going to change. Your physical body is going to change. Your relationship with others is going to change. You can't stop it. But progress in your life is something that you need to put effort in. Its not automatic. In my last post I said that 2014 is going to be year of change for me. This is one of it.

So what I learned about fitness and weight loss is that the most important part of it is your diet( foods you consume). For me, I don't believe in starving your self to lose weight. You only need to eat right and exercise regularly. As simple as it sounds, basically that's all there to it. Why not starve yourself you ask? based on my experience and other people's experience that when  you starve your self, you won't last very long. And if do last for quite some time, your body won't be in a great shape anyway. Plus when you stop your diet, you'l gain weight faster than people who eat and exercise right. Other losses include muscle loss. Which leaves you skin and bones( and that aint sexy :/ )

Here's what I think people should focus on when trying to shave off that extra kilos. Your focus should be raising your metabolism. Metabolism is responsible for the rate our body burns calories.